Beuerlein Family
A - 8831 Schönberg-Lachtal
Lachtal 276
+ 43 676 670 46 47
Beuerlein Family
Lachtal Valley belongs to the vacation area of Murtal Valley.
The facts and figures below speak for themselves:
Skiers can be taken from a high valley starting point at about 1600
meters above sea level all the way up to 2200 meters above sea level
at ‘Grosser Zinken’ mountain top. From there, the longest trail in
the region of five kilometers takes skiing enthusiasts all the way
down back to the valley, mastering a difference in altitude of about
650 meters.
No matter what your skiing skills: enjoy the wonderful downhill ski
slopes with guaranteed snow packing given snow making machines
and equipment.
Whether skiing, snowboarding, cross country, ice skating or sledging,
if you have not yet found your winter sport passion, you might
just discover it here!
Skiing school Lachtal Valley offers all sorts of courses and guided
tours, suited for any skill and interest.